Well it's half term and we are due for an end of term report on how we are doing as it’s a month or so since we updated. Hopefully you are all pleased with our progress !
Since our last update we have been really busy at Lashes HQ and given out another 35 grants ! We hope we might get an ‘A’ for effort here !
Here are some of the people and groups we have helped..
- Counselling support to 7 teenagers who are finding life very tough at the moment
- We have helped the Forest Town Yarn Bombers buy additional bookmarks to promote mental health support which is available
- Helped buy a cooker for someone who had to flea the home due to being a witness in a crime and could no longer live there
- Helped with some equipment for a weekly group that supports people with severe learning difficulties
- Helped with the purchase of equipment for a friendship group who ensure older and vulnerable people are not lonely
- Supported two children with severe Autism with a heavy duty stroller to make it easier for the parents
- Helped towards a new wheelchair for a man with MS where his has broken and he cannot afford to buy a new one
- Contributed towards a stairlift for a severely disabled child
- Supported the Clipstone Food Hub
- Purchased some safe toys for two children with severe autism and balance challenges
- Contributed towards making a children’s area at a cemetery nice for the parents and family to visit
- Help towards setting up a new U9 football team and ensuring everyone can have access to sport even those that cannot afford it

Lashes HQ has also been really busy which also supports our college students in retail experiences and we had a really successful Prom Dress Event giving lots of young people the chance to get a really nice dress / suit at really affordable prices. Thanks to everyone that has donated and to Bev, the ambassadors and all of the Lashes HQ volunteers.
Thanks for the ongoing support to Lashes. You are all certainly an A* for effort and for all of the support !
There is never a day goes by when we are not grateful of everyone’s support. Your kind donations, support and ongoing belief in what we are doing means we have helped people in the community. Just Like Evie did..